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Lagardère and Prisma Media have implemented corporate and social responsibility (CSR) programs and objectives. All the teams, in France and internationally, strive to propose more ecological and socially inclusive everyday practices.

Lagardère demonstrates consistent and tangible progress in fulfilling its CSR commitments, reflecting a clear and ambitious strategy based on four pillars:

  1. Minimizing the environmental footprint of goods and services
    Lagardère pursues a pragmatic and consistent eco-responsible commitment with respect to its activities. The first focus is the fight against climate change, with a decarbonization trajectory set for 2030 and reduction targets tied to executive compensation. The second focus is the responsible management of resources, with 99% of paper being certified or recycled for media and publishing activities, programs to reduce plastic in supply chains, and in Lagardère Travel Retail points of sale. The catering operations are given particular attention to tackle food waste.

  2. Placing people at the heart of strategy
    For the Lagardère group, attracting and retaining talent, as well as promoting team diversity, is a priority. Each division invests in enhancing the skills of its employees (more than 350,000 hours of training in 2023) and in ensuring workplace well-being for teams worldwide. Additionally, an active diversity and inclusion policy has enabled the group to achieve a rate of 46% women among top executives in 2023. Finally, combating all forms of discrimination is a daily concern, particularly in supporting people with disabilities through the Mission Handicap of Hachette Livre.

  3. Sharing the social and cultural diversity of our activities
    Through the content it produces and distributes, and thanks to its various partnerships and cultural and solidarity engagement programs, the group promotes access to education and knowledge while defending freedom of expression, pluralism of ideas, and cultural diversity. For example, Lagardère News and Lagardère Radio adhered to the climate agreement and created more than 300 print pages and 50 hours of programming dedicated to climate and environmental issues in 2023. Furthermore, since 1990, the Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation has financially supported 364 young creators in fields as varied as cinema, literature, journalism, and photography. Launched in 2022, the Hachette Foundation is already supporting around 20 large-scale projects aimed at combating illiteracy and improving access to reading for vulnerable populations.

  4. Ensuring ethical and responsible governance
    Lagardère is committed to developing its activities in line with major quality and compliance challenges. The group works particularly to ensure business ethics and prevent corruption through the rollout of mandatory awareness sessions for all its employees in 2024 and 2025. Additionally, managing its value chain is a major priority given the nature of its activities. In 2024, the supplier charter was updated to include the most advanced social and environmental practices. Furthermore, an audit of high-risk supplier spend by EcoVadis was implemented in 2021 with the goal of achieving 80% coverage by 2025.

Prisma Media Group aligns its CSR strategy around three main pillars:

  1. Environmental Commitment
    This pillar aims to contribute to the fight against climate change through the implementation of its carbon footprint assessment, in order to prioritize decarbonization actions that will have the greatest environmental impact. Prisma Media is also committed to involving its partners and suppliers, as well as contributing to global carbon offset initiatives. Its environmental strategy is built on four key commitments: environmentally friendly manufacturing (use of recycled paper, thermally sealable packaging), a high environmental quality headquarter building, waste management, and a carbon strategy. The carbon strategy involves the advertising division, notably through participation in working groups to create a carbon measurement framework for the press or the establishment of a mechanism to streamline programmatic purchasing.

  2. Societal and Social Commitment
    The goal of this pillar is to make culture accessible to as many people as possible and to promote the emergence of inclusive and responsible perspectives. As a major cultural player, Prisma Media strives to ensure that everyone has access to a diverse and innovative cultural offering that helps shape their identity and fosters a better understanding of the world.
    The editorial teams at Prisma Media are composed of journalists with press credentials, ensuring independence and integrity in the handling of information. Regular training sessions on media law, copyright, and image rights are organized to reinforce proper practices.
    Finally, Prisma Media Solutions is committed to responsible advertising practices, exemplified by the implementation of a Commitment Charter for responsible advertising under the GEO brand.
    The corporate culture of the Prisma Media group promotes professional equality, the employment of people with disabilities, the professional integration of young people, and the fight against discrimination.

  3. Brand Commitment
    Reaching 2 out of 3 French people, Prisma Media’s mainstream, discovery, economic, and luxury brands and publications resonate with society’s concerns, serving as a source of inspiration, reflection, and transformation. The Prisma Media group takes pride in its brands that inform, enlighten, and inspire the public around the profound changes in our society:
    • fostering connection and enhancing daily life with Télé Loisirs, which reaches a broad and diverse audience, bringing together millions of French people from all backgrounds through accessible and unifying content,
    • environmental preservation with GEO,
    • women’s empowerment and health with Femme Actuelle,
    • LGBT+ rights with Néon,
    • combating sexism and harassment with Simone,
    • self-acceptance with Famed&Bound Media.