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- Maud Fontenoy
Maud Fontenoy
Independent DirectorFrench citizen, age 47
Ms. Maud Fontenoy is a sailor, known for her multiple accomplishments and firsts for women in solo navigation, both in rowing and sailing. She is an Ambassador to the French Education and Youth Ministry, dedicated to ocean and coastline conservation and coastal school trips. She is President of the Maud Fontenoy Foundation, a former spokeswoman of Unesco’s oceanographic commission, an expert in sustainable development, a lecturer and an author of books and documentaries devoted to the oceans and conservation. Ms. Maud Fontenoy seeks to hand down values to the younger generation and give them a straightforward “user’s manual” so that sustainable development can become part of everyone’s daily life and ecology can go hand in hand with the economy. She currently advises a number of companies on these issues and advocates a realistic and pragmatic approach to ecology. In 2007, she was named Chevalier de l’Ordre national du Mérite and Chevalier de l’Ordre du Mérite maritime, and in January 2024, Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur.
In the context of the Vivendi SE spin-off, Maud Fontenoy was named Independent Director of Louis Hachette Group on December 9 2024.
Positions held in other companies:
In France:
- Director of Louis Hachette Group (listed company)
- Member of the Supervisory Board of Vivendi SE (listed company)
- President of Miss Maud
- Chairwoman of Fondation Maud Fontenoy
- Founder and member of the Board of Directors of Fondation pour la Gastronomie Humaniste d’Alain Ducasse